Monday, October 29, 2012

Minimum Wage

      I support minimum wage because it helps ensure a quality of life for Americans who are in poverty. By existing, minimum wage can end up cutting the amount of jobs a business can offer, but it does help keep up production no matter how much people oppose it. It does this by helping keep up workers motivation. If workers worked for any less then the current wage its undeniable that people would be beyond upset and in poverty. minimum wage helps keep Americans alive, even with how little it is. I feel that the minimum wage should be raised. Yes it will cut down on production, but we already have a surplus as it is so that should help some businesses with the raise. It shouldn't necessarily be raised to $10/hour but i think it should be raised because it would help support so many more Americans. But is we did raise it we would have to help support it with other price controls to maintain a healthy, growing economy.

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