Sunday, December 16, 2012

Works Cited

Works Cited Page

"Association of Racing Commissioners International." Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
Briggs, Joe Bob. "Racinos Hurt the Horse-Racing Industry." Gambling. Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "The Vegas Guy: Duel in the Grandstand." United Press International, 2003. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
"Distribution of the horse racing takeout dollar in California, 2005." Gambling: What's at Stake?. Ed. John W. Weier. 2007 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Information Plus Reference Series. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
"Horse racing needs to gallop." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada] 31 Oct. 2012: A13.Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
"Olympic Games were a bad bet for Ladbrokes." Evening Standard [London, England] 18 Oct. 2012: 56. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
Rotstein, Gary. "Racinos Have Economic Benefits." Gambling. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "How Slot Machines Have Saved Racetracks." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 25 Feb. 2007. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.
Welden, Lee Vander. "Horse Racing." Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America. Ed. Gary S. Cross. Vol. 1. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004. 452-457. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

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